Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education


Document Type


Date of this Version



Published in Race Ethnicity and Education, 2019

doi 10.1080/13613324.2019.1604507


Copyright © 2019 Informa UK Limited, Taylor & Francis Group. Used by permission.


This narrative inquiry is informed by a concern to increase the number of Indigenous teachers in Canadian classrooms. While the Indigenous population is younger and growing faster than the non-Indigenous population, educational attainment gap remains between the two groups of Canadians. The gap is widening at the university level. This study explores the experiences of two Indigenous teachers during and after teacher education in an Indigenous teacher education program and attempts to reframe teacher education to enhance the meaningful engagement of pre-service Indigenous teachers. We conducted interviews as conversations with the study participants as guided by open-ended unstructured research questions and employed relational ontology because we believe that ethical relationships are paramount in conversations with participants. Four major common themes emerged from the participants’ stories: decision to attend Indigenous teacher education program, Indigenous identity, positive learning environments, and the importance of Indigenous teachers in the schools. Implications for teacher education are presented.
