Theatre and Film, Johnny Carson School of


First Advisor

Michelle Harvey

Date of this Version

Spring 2023

Document Type



Hermosillo, Francisco. “LE NOZZE DI FIGARO (THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO), K. 492: LIGHTING THE MAD DAY.” Thesis, University of Nebraska Digital Commons, 2023.


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Fine Arts, Major: Theatre Arts, Under the supervision of Professor Michelle Harvey. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA: MAY 2023

Copyright © 2023 Francisco Hermosillo III


This thesis describes the production process of the lighting design for the opera, The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492, byWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, which was produced by the Glenn Korf School of Music and performed in Kimball Recital Hall on November 11 and 13, 2022. The opera was directed by Dr. William Shomos and conducted by Dr. Tyler White, with scenic design by JD Madsen, costume design by Camille Lerner, technical direction provided by Jason Hibbard, and the head electrician was Obadiah Harvey.

This thesis documents the entire lighting design process including the production meetings, research, conceptual ideas, technical rehearsals, responses to opening night, production photos, and all accompanying paperwork.

Advisor: Michelle Harvey
