Nebraska Academy of Sciences


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1994. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 21: 1-7. Copyright © 1994 Mayne.


Rock-quarry lakes provide a unique environment. The aim of this study was to obtain baseline limnological data on quarries, one in Iowa and two in Nebraska, which have not been previously investigated. The results show the general limnological trends of the quarries' productivity. The mean oxygen, nutrient, pH, and phytoplankton-biomass values indicate the quarries are oligotrophic; however, one quarry has a profound depletion of oxygen in the summer and a large seasonal variation in alkalinity. A higher nitrogen concentration as well as more littoral plants suggests it to have more eutrophic potential than the other two quarries. Metal-ion analysis shows that the Ashland quarry had high levels of aluminum, and the North quarry had a moderate level of lead. The Logan quarry showed great concentrations of many elements, including lithium and uranium, which could account for its high specific conductivity. Further investigations should be carried out to provide a more detailed picture of these quarries.

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