Nebraska Academy of Sciences



Date of this Version


Document Type



1993. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, XX: i-vi


Editorial Contents

Nebraska Academy of Sciences Officers, Policy Committee ............ ii

Editorial Board ............ iv

Membership Objectives and Friends of the Academy ............ v

Nebraska Association of Teachers and Science ............ vi

Preparation of manuscripts ............ inside back cover


The Niobrara Valley Preserve: And inventory of a biogeographical crossroads (Gail E. Kantak and Steven P. Churchill) ............ 1

The saline wetland-meadow vegetation and flora of the North Platte River Valley in the Nebraska panhandle (Steven B. Rolfsmeier) ............ 13

Seasonal trends in forage quality of plants in subirrigated meadows of the Nebraska Sandhills (Nichols, Duncan, and Clanton) ............ 25

Floristic diversity in ten tallgrass prairie remnants of eastern Nebraska (Boettcher, Bragg, and Sutherland) ............ 33

Woody vegetation of a disjunct bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) forest in east-central Nebraska (Debra Ann Beightol and Thomas B. Bragg) ............ 41

Evidence for mate choice by male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) (Joseph J. Benz and Daniel W. Leger) ............ 47

The status of Nebraska fishes in the Missouri River. 1. Paddlefish (Polyodontidae: Polydon spathula) (Larry W. Hesse and Gerald E. Mestl) ............ 53

The status of Nebraska fishes in the Missouri River. 2. Burbot (Gadidae: Lota lota) (Larry W. Hesse) ............ 67

Histamine-immunoreactive fibers in the brain of Rana Pipiens (Briner, Guth, and Norris) ............ 73

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