Nebraska Academy of Sciences


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1989: Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences XVII: 65-70. Copyright © 1989 Flessner and Stubbendieck.


Development of germination-enhancing treatments will be essential for the recovery of Nebraska's only officially endangered plant species, blowout penstemon (Pensiemon haydenii S, Watson), Effects of cold-moist stratification, mechanical or chemical scarification, and presence or absence of light in combination with alternating temperature regimes on seed germination of blowout penstemon was determined by laboratory studies. Stratified seeds exhibited greater mean germination percentages (21 %) than nonstratified seeds (8%). Effects of mechanical scarification on germination varied with trial. Seeds chemically scarified with concentrated sulfuric acid exhibited greater mean germination percentages (48%) than controls (12%); such scarification may substitute for the effective, but time-consuming, process of handscarification. Seeds were insensitive to light and alternating temperatures. Germination of freshly harvested seeds was not affected by storage of up to 15 weeks. Sulfuric acid and hand-scarification may be used to effectively enhance germination and, in tum, aid the recovery of this species

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