Nebraska Academy of Sciences
Date of this Version
Document Type
Editorial Contents
Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Officers, Policy Committee .......... ii
Editorial Board .......... v
Membership Objectives and Friends of the Academy .......... vi
Biological Sciences
The biology and ecology of the tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) of Nebraska (Mark R. Carter) .......... 1-18
Effects of substrate on density of aquatic insects in a southeast Nebraska stream (Patrick O. Darrow and Kenneth P. Pruess) .......... 19-22
Distribution of Amoebidium and Smittium species (Trichomycetes) in mosquito larvae on the Platte River floodplain of central Nebraska (Roger D. Grigg and Marvin C. Williams) .......... 23-28
Diversity of coprophagous Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) in grazed versus ungrazed sandhills prairie in western Nebraska (Mary Liz Jameson) .......... 29-35
Birds of the Niobrara River Valley, Nebraska (James Ducey) .......... 37-60
Woody-plant succession in an eastern Nebraska bluff forest (Borland, Bragg and Sutherland) .......... 61-63
Propagation of blowout penstemon (Penstemon haydenii S. Watson): germination-enhancing treatments (Theresa R. Flessner and James Stubbendieck) .......... 65-70
The status of Erythronium albidum and E. mesochoreum (Liliaceae) in Nebraska (Robert B. Kaul) .......... 71-79
Range extensions of some Nebraska bryophytes (Linda L. Spessard) .......... 81-82
The vascular plants of Keith County, Nebraska (David M. Sutherland and Steven B. Rolfsmeier) .......... 83-101
Earth Sciences
Chemical and physical characteristics of the Missouri River, Nebraska (Hesse, Mestl and Rohrke) .......... 103-109
Persistence of a chemical gradient in the lower Platte River, Nebraska (Richard S. Holland and Edward S. Peters) .......... 111-115
History of Science
The quest of Dr. Ernest F. Bashford for knowledge about cancer etiology in man and mouse (Anne J. Krush) .......... 117-119
1989: Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences XVII: i-vi