Nebraska Academy of Sciences



Date of this Version


Document Type



Published in 2002 Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 28: i-iv; Copyright © 2002


Table of Contents

Editorial Contents

Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Inc..........................inside front cover

Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science..........................inside front cover

Nebraska Executive Committee, Policy Committee..........................ii

Editorial Board..........................iv

Preparation of manuscripts..........................inside back cover


Additions to the lichen flora of Nebraska (Robert S. Egan, Sara Morgan, Clifford M. Wetmore, and Douglas Ladd)..........................1

Germination of threadleaf sedge (Cyperaceae: Carex filifolia) (Gina R. Tichota and James Stubbendieck)..........................15

Morphological variation of Alloereadium lobatum (Digenea: Allocreadiidae) in the creek chub, Semotilus atromaeulatus (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae), in Nebraska, USA (Monte S. Willis)..........................21

Insects and the native vegetation of Nebraska (Brett C. Ratcliffe and Paul C. Hammond)..........................29

Food habits of yellow perch, Perea flaveseens, in West Long Lake, Nebraska (Justin L. Wilkens, Timothy J. DeBates, and David W. Willis)..........................49

Fish species-richness trends in the Niobrara River, Nebraska, below the Spencer Dam (Michael P. Gutzmer, Justin W. King, David P. Overhue, and Ed Y. Chrisp)..........................57

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Life Sciences Commons
