Nebraska Academy of Sciences
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Radon and radon progeny were sampled biweekly from January through June, 1984 in outside air and five representative buildings at Chadron in northwestern Nebraska. The buildings were constructed of a variety of materials. Radon averaged from a low of 0.2 pCi/L in outside air to a high of 5.3 pCi/L in an energy-efficient home. Radon daughters ranged from 0.001 WL in outside air to a high of 0.014 WL, again in the energy-efficient home. A strong positive correlation existed between radon and radon progeny. Health risks associated with elevated levels of radon and radon progeny are discussed and assessed.
1987. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, XV: 69-74. Copyright © 1987 Struempler and Johnson