"<i>Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences</i> Volume XIV (19"

Nebraska Academy of Sciences



Date of this Version


Document Type



1986. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, XIV: i-v


Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Officers, Policy Committee .......... ii

Editorial Board, Instruction to Contributors .......... iv

Membership Objectives and Friends of the Academy .......... v

Founders and Presidents of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 1880-1986 (C. Bertrand Schultz) .......... 1

Earth Sciences

Preliminary biostratigraphy of the White River Group (Oligocene, Chadron and Brule formations) in the vicinity of Chadron, Nebraska (Eric Paul Gustafson) .......... 7

Insectivora (Mammalia) from the Miocene (Hemingfordian) of western Nebraska (Gregg E. Ostrander) .......... 21

Carnivores of the Railway Quarries Local Fauna (Robert L. Evander) .......... 25

Pleistocene Phenacomys from Kansas with remarks on other fossil records (Martin, von Koenigswald, Stewart) .......... 35

Possible evidence for a pre-Clovis bone-tool industry from the Central Plains (Thomas P. Myers and R. George Corner) .......... 41

Biological Sciences

Three new species of North American Polyphylla Harris (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae; Melolonthinae) (Ronald M. Young) .......... 47

Red Oak acorn germination and seedling survival in prairie habitats (Robert C. Lommasson) .......... 51

Nebraska plant distribution (David M. Sutherland and Robert B. Kaul) .......... 55

A bibliography of the ecological and taxonomic literature of the Nebraska vascular plants (Gail E. Kantak and Steven P. Churchill) .......... 61

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Life Sciences Commons
