Nebraska Academy of Sciences
Date of this Version
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Food-habits data were collected from 102 yellow perch, Perca flavescens, in West Long Lake, Nebraska, from April to October, 2001, to determine iffood habits changed seasonally in this shallow, vegetated, natural lake. Based on percent by number and weight, yellow perch in all length groups and during all seasons primarily consumed macro-invertebrates. Yellow perch < 130 mm in total length fed primarily on amphipods and chironomids in all months except October. For perch between 130 and 199 mm, amphipods and chironomids composed greater than 60% of the diet by weight in all months except August. Yellow perch ≥ 200 mm primarily consumed macro-invertebrates with fish contributing less than 6% ofthe diet by weight during all months except June. Knowledge of the trophic ecology of yellow perch in these lentic systems should help biologists better understand the role of perch as both predator and prey.
Published in 2002. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 28: 49-56; Copyright © 2002 Wilkens, DeBates, and Willis