Nebraska Academy of Sciences


Date of this Version


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1981. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, IX:23-34. Copyright © 1981 Lund and Peters


Buckley Creek 3F is a turbid 13 ha reservoir in southeastern Nebraska. The quality of the environment was assessed in 1977 with an annual production estimate of the benthic insects.

Monthly bottom samples were taken using a 15 cm (6 in.) Ekman dredge. To observe any correlation between production and other factors, chemical and physical parameters consisting of total alkalinity, hardness, pH, conductivity, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and suspended solids were monitored.

Total benthis production was 0.156 g/m2/yr (dry weight). Individual genera produced between 0.001 (Chaoborus sp.) and 0.057 g/m2/yr (Hexagenia sp.). Published studies show other waters to be two to 1,200 times more productive than Buckley on a total fauna comparison. Single species comparisons showed Buckley to be less productive by a similar magnitude.

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