Nebraska Academy of Sciences



Date of this Version


Document Type



1981. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences IX: i-vi.


Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Officers, Policy Committee .......... ii

Editorial Board, Instructions to Contributors .......... v

Membership Objectives and Friends of the Academy .......... vi


Preliminary report on the 1979 excavations at the Clary Ranch Site (Myers, Corner, and Tanner) .......... 1

Biological and Medical Sciences

Sister chromatid exchanges in a male with a Y /Y translocation (M. G. Butler) .......... 9

Further observations on polymegaly in species of the Drosophila affinis subgroup (Ho-Chi Chang and D. D. Miller) .......... 13

Pruduction rates of aquatic insects in a turbid reservoir (J. C. Lund and E. J. Peters) .......... 23

A water quality survey of the Big Blue River, Nebraska (T. R. Maret and C. C. Christiansen) .......... 35

Influence of windbreak-shelter on light interception, stomatal conductance, and CO2-exchange rate of soybeans, Glycine max (Linnaeus) Merrill (S. N. Ogbuehi and J. R. Brandle) .......... 49

A rapid technique for identification of taenioid cestodes using unstained scolices (K. L. Tiekotter) .......... 55

Earth Sciences

Provincial Land Mammal Ages correlated with valley-fill sequences in the Great Plains of North America (C. B. Schultz) .......... 57

Sedimentology of Norden Bridge and Egelhoff fossil quarries (Miocene) of north-central Nebraska (C. F. Wellstead) .......... 67

Philosophy of Science

Whitehead and Hume on induction (M. E. Kanne) .......... 87

Problems for the covering-law model of explanation (E. R. Kraemer) .......... 91


Discovering history of psychology (M. E. Ware) .......... 95


Attitudes of dental administrators toward faculty unionization (D. S. Peterson) .......... 99

Included in

Life Sciences Commons
