Nebraska Academy of Sciences



Date of this Version


Document Type



1979. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences VII: i-vii


Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Officers, Policy Committee ......... ii

Editorial Board, Instructions to Contributors ......... vi

Symposium "Water Usage: Who Cares?"

Water usage-who cares?: a planner's viewpoint (G. J. Karabatsos) ......... 1

Water usage-who cares?: an environmental viewpoint (H. G. Nagel) ......... 5

Water usage-who cares?: an historical perspective (D. T. Pederson) ......... 9

Instream flow needs for water quality management (R. D. Todd) ......... 11

Water usage and power production: the electric utility industry is dependent on water utilization (T. P. Harding and L. G. Harrow) ......... 15

Other Water-Related Subjects

Hydrogeologic relationships to structural failure, Chadron State College, Nebraska (L. D. Agenbroad) ......... 25

Runoff and soil loss under a center pivot irrigation system on Crete and Wymore soils in Nebraska (Hanna, Harlan, and Lewis) ......... 31

Residential water demand of small communities in New York State: a note (Raymond Hubbard and Andrew Huggins) ......... 37

Interrelationships of selected physical properties and chemical constituents of ground water in northwestern Nebraska (A. W. Streumpler) ......... 41


A system model of Shawnee Indian migration (J. E. Clark) ......... 47

Postulated late prehistoric human population movements in the Central Plains: a critical review (John Ludwickson) ......... 53

Biological and Medical Sciences

A botanical survey of Cuming County: Part II, the Bryophytes, with additions to Part I, the vascular plants (S. P. Churchill) ......... 61

Isolation of Trivittatus virus from Aedes triseriatus (T. L. Foxhoven and A. B. Welch) ......... 65

A preliminary study of seed predators of Platte thistle in the Nebraska Sandhills (W. O. Lamp and M. K. McCarty) ......... 71

Food habits of the white crappie Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque, in Branched Oak Lake, Nebraska (T. R. Maret and E. J. Peters) ......... 75

A list of the mosses of Buffalo and Kearney counties, Nebraska, held in the Kearney State College Herbarium (M. C. Williams and L. L. Spessard) ......... 83


Trace metals in Wyoming coal: their analysis, concentrations, and interrelationships (A. W. Struempler and J. M. Jolley) ......... 87

Earth Sciences

The biostratigraphy of arvicoline rodents in North America (L. D. Martin) ......... 91

Spermophilus from the "Citellus Zone" of the Late Quaternary of the Central Great Plains (A. M. Neuner and C. B. Schultz) ......... 101

Variation and evolution in the premolar teeth of Osteobous and Borophagus (Canidae) (K. A. Richey) ......... 105

History of Science

Contributions of Pierre Paul Broca to cancer genetics (A. J. Krush) ......... 125

Humanities in medical education-the past ten years (J. J. Quinn) ......... 131

Roman concrete: the ascent, summit, and decline of an art (T. N. Winter) ......... 137

Philosophy of Science

Saint Thomas Aquinas' division of the sciences (M. E. Kanne) ......... 145

On the causal irreducibility of natural function statements (E. R. Kraemer) ......... 149

The realizing character of the social sciences (Andrew Larkin) ......... 153

The brain: physiological foundations of evaluation and memory (J. C. Schank) ......... 157

A calculus of natural deductions for the full first-order predicate logic with identity (H. H. Schneider) ......... 165

Are psychophysical models of behavior possible (Marianne Shaw) ......... 173

Kant's subjectivist theory of space (M. C. Timmons) ......... 177

Use of the autobiography for personal development and as an investigative technique (M. E. Ware) ......... 183


Long-term solar modulation of radiocarbon production (S. C. Haack and T. E. McGinnis) ......... 187

Included in

Life Sciences Commons
