Nebraska Academy of Sciences


Date of this Version


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Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences- Volume VII, 1979. Copyright © 1979 Hanna, Harlan and Lewis


The introduction of the center pivot as a means of water application in areas formerly thought too steep for irrigation has opened many new areas to irrigated agriculture. With this expansion, many people have been concerned about increased runoff. This study was designed to determine if application of water through a center pivot produced runoff and increased the amount of soil loss on sloping clayey soils of the Crete and Wymore series. Small runoff plots were constructed near the perimeter of the irrigated circle for collection of runoff and sediment.

They study concludes that center pivot application of water on slopes of 2, 4, and 8 percent results in no direct runoff if the crop production system is well managed. It did, however, indicate that runoff from a rain may increase when the soil is moist from irrigation.

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