Nebraska Academy of Sciences


Date of this Version


Document Type



Published in Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Volume 2 (1973).


Copyright 1973 by the author(s).


Initial excavation of the Hudson-Meng Paleo-Indian site was begun in September, 1971. Work by volunteer labor continued until mid-November when the site was closed because of winter storms and frozen ground. The discovery of an unusually large Scottsbluff point, in situ in the ribs of one of the animals indicates association of the Plano Complex and extinct bison. The bone bed is a single occupation event. representing a butchering floor activity near the actual kill site. Absence of skull fragments and lower long bones indicate quartering or halving the animals at the kill with transfer to the butcher area. Testing in the field season of 1971 indicates a site at least 35 meters by 15 meters, with the limits of the bone bed yet to be determined.
