Nebraska Academy of Sciences


Date of this Version


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Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, vol. 5 (1978)


Copyright by the author.


Guillaume Dupuytren was born in the village of Pierrebuffi~re, on 5 October 1777. Though his father was a lawyer and parliamentarian, many of Dupuytren's other ancestors had been physicians, mostly surgeons. Guillaume entered the College of Magnac-Laval at age seven. From age 12 to 17 he attended the Marche School in Paris. Upon completion of these studies, he wished to join the army, but his father insisted that he become a surgeon. At age 18 he became a prosector at Charity Hospital in Paris under the tutelage of Dr. Boyer and studied under Pinel, Corvisart, Cuvier, and others. His peers were Bichat, Lederc, Ailbert, and Laennec. Dupuytren became Surgeon-in-chief at l'Hotel Dieu Hospital in 1815 at age 38, and later was Surgeon to Louis XVIII.

III at age 57 of a stroke, Dupuytrendied on 8 February 1835. His contributions to knowledge of cancer included observations and lectures concerning malignant cysts, lacrimal tumors, hydatid tumors of muscle and viscera, fibro-cellular tumors, polyps, hydro sarco cele, hemorrhoidal tumors, and cartilaginous tumors.
