"Observations on the Distribution and Status of Selected Nebraska Mamma" by Zachary P. Roehrs, Russell A. Benedict et al.

Nebraska Academy of Sciences


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Roehrs, ZP, Benedict, RQ, Labedz,TE, Genoways, HH. Observations on the Distribution and Status of Selected Nebraska Mammals. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 41 (2021), 1–28. DOI: 10.32873/unl.dc.tnas.41.1


Copyright (c) 2021 Zachary P. Roehrs, Russell A. Benedict, Thomas E. Labedz, and Hugh H. Genoways.


Information on the distribution and current status of 25 species or subspecies of mammals occurring in Nebraska are presented. The species covered include one shrew, an armadillo, eight bats, 10 rodents (including two subspecies of one species), three carnivores, and one artiodactyl. Distributional information reported includes the first state record for one species (Sorex nanus) and new county records for 18 species. In Nebraska, we know that mammals are shifting their geographic ranges with some extending populations into the state, whereas others are expanding their geographic ranges within the state. The current status of six additional mammalian taxa in Nebraska is documented, providing knowledge important to the conservation of these species during this time of shifting environmental conditions. The concern is that some mammals have suffered population declines since the 1940s and may have a contracting geographic range as well in the state. These species would be endangered and could be lost to the mammalian fauna of the state. Extensive data on reproduction in these mammals are presented and the taxonomy of species is updated from the 1964 Mammals of Nebraska by Jones.
