Great Plains Natural Science Society
The Prairie Naturalist
Date of this Version
Document Type
The Prairie Naturalist 40(3/4): September/December 2008, pp 87-93
The greater prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) and lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) have experienced considerable fluctuations in their range and distribution over time. Having current range maps would help wildlife managers and policy makers with decisions regarding prairie-chicken habitat. To create an updated and accurate map of the Kansas prairie-chicken range, a two-pronged approach was implemented. First, a map of potential habitat was created by using known habitat preferences and avoidance factors. Second, a preliminary map showing the distribution of greater and lesser prairie-chickens was created and mailed to regional experts for comments and edits. The returned edits were processed to produce a current and accurate map of prairie-chickens in Kansas that has been updated annually as necessary.
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