"The Great Plains Natural Science Society"

Great Plains Natural Science Society


The Prairie Naturalist


Date of this Version


Document Type



The Prairie Naturalist 49; 2017


Published by the Great Plains Natural Science Society. Used by permission.


The Great Plains Natural Science Society, formerly the North Dakota Natural Science Society, was founded in 1967 and seeks to promote interest in and understanding of natural history in the Great Plains, to encourage the conservation of natural resources, and to provide communication among individuals, institutions, and organizations of like interests. The GPNSS actively promotes the study of natural history of the Great Plains region, including geology, plants, birds, mammals, fish, insects, and other forms of life. Together with local, state, and national conservation organizations, the GPNSS fosters natural resource conservation and preservation of outstanding natural areas. The GPNSS publishes The Prairie Naturalist, a widely read, peer-reviewed journal which deals with the natural history and environment of the Great Plains region.
