Great Plains Natural Science Society
The Prairie Naturalist
The Prairie Naturalist fills an important role as the avenue of communication of research on the North American grasslands and their biota. Articles include research topics such as investigating Great Plains community and landscape ecologies, species-specific population dynamics, mammalogy, ornithology, invertebrate zoology, herpetology, ichthyology, botany, animal behavior, infectious diseases, and biostatistics. The Prairie Naturalist offers timely technical information for researchers, educators, students, and the interested public. Published biannually, the journal reaches subscribers throughout the United States and Canada, as well as libraries in Europe and Asia. About 10% of each volume is devoted to shorter and less comprehensive communications (i.e., notes) and book reviews. Manuscripts containing original material not submitted elsewhere are considered for publication; all manuscripts are reviewed by specialists in relevant fields. The Prairie Naturalist publishes reviews of scholarly books from multiple disciplines that focus on the natural history and ecology of the Great Plains.
Indexes to the contents are available for 1st 25 years -- 1968-1993 and
2nd 25 years -- 1994-2018.
Fixed Versus Random Sampling Designs in Small South Dakota Glacial Lakes, Bradley J. Smith, Nathan S. Kruger, Nicholas S. Voss, and Brian G. Blackwell
Review of Birds of Montana by Jeffrey S. Marks, Paul Hendricks, and Daniel Casey, Scott G. Somershoe
Reproductive Characteristics of Landlocked Fall Chinook Salmon from Lake Oahe, South Dakota, Kelsen L. Young, Michael E. Barnes, and Jeremy L. Kientz
Comparison of Two Trap Net Designs for Sampling Muskellunge, Brian G. Blackwell, Todd M. Kaufman, Tyrel S. Moos, and David O. Lucchesi
Estimating Herbaceous Biomass of Grassland Vegetation Using the Reference Unit Method, Eric D. Boyda, Jack L. Bulter, and Lan Xu
HABITAT-RELATED DIFFERENCES IN NECROPH- ILOUS SPECIES COMPOSITION: IMPLICATIONS FOR RESOURCE COMPETITION, Adrienne L. Conley, Elisabeth K. Jorde, Rachel E. Jorde, Lauren K. Yares, Kenzie K. Lee, Carrie L. Hall, and Daniel R. Howard
Bot Fly Infestation of Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrels in Colorado Shortgrass Steppe, Kim Conway and Paul Stapp
WEST NILE VIRUS AND FERRUGINOUS HAWKS (BUTEO REGALIS) IN THE NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS, Shubham Datta, Jonathan A. Jenks, David E. Knudsen, Kent C. Jensen, Will M. Inselman, Christopher C. Swanson, and Troy W. Grovenburg
NOTES: WOODPECKER FORAGE AVAILABILITY IN HABI- TAT DISTURBANCES OF THE BLACK HILLS, Brian E. Dickerson, Angie K. Ambourn, Mark A. Rumble, Kurt K. Allen, and Chad P. Lehman
Inter- and Intra-specific Interactions in Germination and Seedling Establishment of Cheatgrass and Russian Wildrye, Erin K. Espeland
Improving Communication Through Writing, Christopher N. Jacques
Remembering the Days of Old: Data Exploration and Simple Statistics, Christopher N. Jacques
Variability in the Selection Patterns of Pronghorn: Are they Really Native Prairie Obligates?, Paul F. Jones, Mike Grue, Mike Suitor, Darren J. Bender, Cormack Gates, Dale Eslinger, and Julie Landry-Deboer
North Shore: A Natural History of Minnesota’s Superior Coast, Janet R. Keough
North Shore: A Natural History of Minnesota’s Superior Coast, Janet R. Koeugh
Distribution and Occurrence of Bat Species in North Dakota, Josiah J. Nelson, Paul R. Barnhart, and Erin H. Gillam
Effects of Short-term Soil Conditioning by Cheatgrass and Western Wheatgrass, James J. O'Connor and Janet S. Prevey
BOOK REVIEWS: Bumble Bees of North America. Paul H. Williams, Robbin W. Thorp, Leif L. Richardson, and Sheila R. Colla., Samuel O’Dell
Sage-Grouse Nests in an Active Conifer Mastication Site, Charles P. Sandford, David K. Dahlgren, and Terry A. Messmer
FOOD HABITS OF FALL-COLLECTED AGE-0 WALLEYES IN EASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA GLA- CIAL LAKES, Benjamin J. Schall, Matthew J. Phayvanh, Jeffrey D. Grote, Daniel J. Dembkowski, and Melissa R. Wuellner
Remembering Paul B. Kannowski, Robert Seabloom
VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE FOREST RIVER BI- OLOGY STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, Alexey Shipunov, Kathryn A. Yurkonis, John C. La Duke, and Vera L. Facey
NOTES: ARE LAND-USE CHANGES REFLECTED IN DIETS OF MOURNING DOVES (ZENAIDA MACROURA) IN EASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA, Joshua B. Smith, Troy W. Grovenburg, Matthew A. Perrion, Jason M. Augspurger, Trevor W. Bultje, Anna M. Robinson, Brandi L. Crider, Datta Shubham, and Jonathan A. Jenks
BOOK REVIEWS: Video Surveillance of Nesting Birds. Edited by Christine A. Ribic, Frank R. Thompson III, and Pamela J. Pietz., Marissa A. Ahlering
Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie Preserve: Providing Habitat for Protected and Provincially Rare Species, Christie L. Borkowsky
Venturing through the Tall Grass: Experiencing the Manitoba Tall Grass Prairie Preserve, Christie L. Borkowsky and Erin Zahradka
The Significance of Micro-Prairie Reconstruction in Urban Environments, Bruno Borsari, Neal Mundahl, Malcom F. Vidrine, and Marc Pastorek
Book Review: The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory: A Century of Discovering the Nature of Nature. Michael J. Lannoo., Bonnie S. Bowen
Legacy Effects in Prairie Restoration: A 73-Year Spatial History, Thomas D. Brock
Introduction—23rd North American Prairie Conference, Dr. Douglas J. Cattani, Dr. Nicola Koper, Dr. Pamela Rutherford, and Dr. Richard K. Baydack
MATE REPLACEMENT AND ALLOPARENTAL CARE IN FERRUGINOUS HAWK (BUTEO REGALIS), Shubham Datta, Will M. Inselman, Jonathan A. Jenks, Kent C. Jensen, Christopher C. Swanson, Robert W. Klaver, Indrani Sasmal, and Troy W. Grovenburg
Response of Grassland Songbirds to Grazing System Type and Range Condition, Stephen K. Davis, Brenda C. Dale, Tom Harrison, and David C. Duncan
Project Prairie and Tallgrass Education on the Rice Lake Plains: A Journey from 1870 to Today and Beyond, Todd Farrell, Mark Rupke, and Mark Stabb
A Floristic Survey of Selected Sites in the Loup River Valley, Nance County, Nebraska, Diane M. Flynn and Steven J. Rothenberger
Mammals of North Dakota. First edition. Robert Seabloom., Erin H. Gillam
The Gamekeepers: Wisconsin Wildlife Conservation from WCD to CWD. David L. Gjeston., Carrol L. Henderson
Historic Distribution and Ecology of Tall-Grass Prairie in Western Canada, Darcy C. Henderson and Nicola Koper
The Role of Reviewer Criticism and How to Keep it in Perspective, Christopher N. Jacques
Soil Chemical Responses to Fire Seasonality and Frequency in a Texas Grassland, Domingo M. Jariel Jr., R. James Ansley, Betty A. Kramp, and David L. Jones
Association of Soil Conditions and Grass Species with Variable Cover of Leafy Spurge, Terence P. Mcgonigle and Jeremy L. Timmer
Multi-scale Habitat Use of Male Ruffed Grouse in the Black Hills National Forest, Cassandra L. Mehls, Kent C. Jensen, Mark A. Rumble, and Michael C. Wimberly
Potential Impacts of Bison Wallows on a Restored Tallgrass Prairie Community, Kimran Miller, Johanna Foster, Kristen Nielsen, and Mary O'Loughlin
Notes: Oriental Bittersweet in Grasslands Near Eastern Bluebird Nest Boxes, Neal D. Mundahl
Reproductive Failure in Largeleaf Wild Indigo in a Restored Prairie in Southeastern Minnesota, Neal D. Mundahl
BOBCAT PREDATION ON BIGHORN LAMB IN THE WESTERN BLACK HILLS OF SOUTH DAKOTA, Brynn L. Parr, John Kanta, Joe Sandrini, Daniel J. Thompson, and Jonathan A. Jenks
Precipitation and Fire Impacts on Small Mammals in Shortgrass Prairie, Whitney J. Priesmeyer, Raymond S. Matlack, and Richard T. Kazmair
Effects of Compost on Prairie Seedling Establishment and Seed Production, Thomas R. Rosburg, Emiy Sibigtroth, and Adam Palmer
NOTES: BED-SITE SELECTION BY NEONATAL WHITE-TAILED DEER IN CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA, Brian A. Schaffer, Jonathan A. Jenks, Troy W. Grovenburg, and William F. Jensen
Making Nature Whole: a History of Ecological Restoration. William R. Jordan III and George M. Lubick., Daryl D. Smith
Prairie Restoration: Bridging the Past and the Future, Daryl D. Smith
Quantifying Differences in Habitat Use Between Anglers and Large Bluegills, Eric J. Weimer, Michael L. Brown, and Brian G. Blackwell
SAUGER LIFE HISTORY IN THE LOWER PORTION OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER, Kasey L. Yallaly, Justin R. Seibert, Sara J. Tripp, David P. Herzog, and Quinton E. Phelps
Contributions of Stocked and Naturally Reproduced Rainbow Trout in the Deerfield Reservoir System, Jacob L. Davis, Jerry W. Wilhite, Greg Simpson, Michael E. Barnes, Kaite N. Bertrand, and David W. Willis
Relationships among Walleye Mercury, Selenium, Stable Isotopes, Size and Age, Mark J. Fincel, Robert P. Hanten, and Shannon Minerich
Whooping Cranes Consume Plains Leopard Frogs at Migratory Stopover Sites in Nebraska, Keith Geluso, Brad T. Krohn, Mary J. Harner, and Michael J. Assenmacher
Use of Seeded Exotic Grasslands by Wintering Birds, Andrew D. George, Timothy J. O'Connell, Karen R. Hickman, and David M. Lesliee Jr.
Associations Between Iron Concentration and Productivity in Montane Streams of the Black Hills, South Dakota, Cari-Ann Hayer, Benjamin M. Holocmb, and Steven R. Chipps
How Important is a Quality Manuscript Review?, Christopher N. Jacques
Research Notes vs. Research Articles, Christopher N. Jacques
Red-Tailed Hawk Nesting in Kansas: Influence of Landscape Characteristics, William Langley
A Simple Device for Measuring the Minimum Current Velocity to Maintain Semi-Buoyant Fish Eggs in Suspension, Julias S. Mueller, Brandon D. Cheek, Qingman Chen, Jillian Groeschel, Shannok K. Brewer, and Timothy B. Grabowski
Salamander Colonization of Chase Lake, Stutsman County, North Dakota, David M. Mushet, Kyle I. McLean, and Craig A. Stockwell
Dual Capture of a Piñon Deer Mouse and a Silky Pocket Mouse Resulting in Consumption of the Smaller Animal, Jon C. Pigage and Roger D. Peyton
Evaluation of Three Nest Searching Methods for Ring-Necked Pheasant, Jeffery W. Stackhouse, Kevin K. Sedivec, and Benjamin A. Geaumont
A Northward Range Extension of the Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus) in Missouri, Cody W. Thompson and Elmer J. Finck
Evidence of American Martens Populating the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota, Amber J. Bagherian, Dorothy M. Fecske, Maggie D. Triska, Joseph A. Bishop, Dean J. Berezanski, Sandra K. Johnson, Robert P. Brooks, and Thomas L. Serfass
Spatial Ecology of Urban Raccoons in Northeastern Ohio: Implications for Oral Rabies Vaccination, Are R. Berentsen, Mike R. Dunbar, Chadd E. Fitzpatrick, and W. David Walter
Walleye Trophic Position Before and After a Gizzard Shad Extirpation, Bethany J. Bethke, Justin A. Vandehey, Mark J. Fincel, Brian D.S. Graeb, and Mark T. Porath
Sickleweed on the Fort Pierre National Grassland: An Emerging Threat, Jack L. Bulter and Stefanie D. Wacker
Comparison of Piping Plover Foraging Habitat on Artificial and Natural Sandbars on the Missouri River, Daniel H. Catlin, Joy H. Felio, and James D. Fraser
Interior Least Tern Powerline Collision on the Lower Platte River, Lauren R. Dinan, Joel G. Jorgensen, and Mary Bomberger Brown
Avian Diversity and Habitat Use on Wetland Reserve Program Lands in the Lower Missouri River Valley, Eric C. Hopps
My Manuscript Needs Revision: Now What?, Christopher N. Jacques
The Incentive and Benefits to Publish Research, Christopher N. Jacques
Updated Manuscript Submission Guidelines for The Prairie Naturalist, Christopher N. Jacques, Troy W. Grovenburg, and Jonathan A. Jenks
Distribution and Diversity of Ant Genera from Selected Ecoregions across Nebraska, Jessica Jurzenski, Marc Albrecht, and W. Wyatt Hoback
Spatiotemporal Variation in Vegetation Structure Resulting from Pyric-Herbivory, Sherry Leis, Lloyd W. Morrison, and Michael D. Debacker
Terrestrial and Semi-Aquatic Vertebrates in Diets of Largemouth Bass in Central Nebraska, Seth A. Lundgren, Keith Geluso, and Casey W. Schoenebeck
LEAST AND MERRIAM’S SHREWS FROM BANNER COUNTY, NEBRASKA, Jennifer N. Merlino, Alexandra R. Frohberg, Jamie Harmon, and Keith Geluso
Microhabitat Selection by Bobcats in the Badlands and Black Hills of South Dakota, USA: A Comparison of Prairie and Forested Habitats, Cory E. Mosby, Troy W. Grovenburg, Robert W. Klaver, Greg M. Schroeder, Lowell E. Schmitz, and Jonathan A. Jenks
FIVE NEW RECORDS OF ANTS (HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) FOR NEBRASKA, Kristine T. Nemec, James C. Trager, Elizabeth Manley, and Craig R. Allen
Review: Mammals of Colorado. Second edition. David M. Armstrong, James P. Fitzgerald, and Carron A. Meaney., Thomas J. O'Shea
Germination Response of Prairie Dropseed and Hairy Goldaster to Stratification and Temperature, Aurora R. Roemmich, Jack L. Bulter, Gary E. Larson, and E. Brent Turnipseed
Fish Assemblage Structure in Black Hills, South Dakota Streams, Luke D. Schultz, Sarah J. Lewis, and Katie Nicole Bertrand
Grass and Canada Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) Competition and Implications for Management in the Northern Tallgrass Prairie, Alexander J. Smart, Gary E. Larson, and Peter J. Bauman
Monitoring Standing Herbage of Mid-Grass Prairie on the Fort Pierre National Grassland, South Dakota, Daniel W. Uresk
Topographic Home Range of Large Mammals: Is Planimetric Home Range Still a Viable Method?, W. David Walter, Justin W. Fischer, Teresa J. Frink, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Jonathan A. Jenks, and Kurt C. Vercauteren
Genetic Structure of Grass Carp Populations in the Missouri and Mississippi River Basins, USA, Bobbi M. Adams, Katie N. Bertrand, Michael L. Brown, and Donald Auger
Review of Sandhill and Whooping Cranes: Ancient Voices over America's Wetlands\ by Paul Johnsgard, Jane Austin
Review of Teaching Children Science: Hands-on Nature Study in North America, 1890-1930 by Sally Kohlstedt, Meena M. Balgopal
Depth and Littoral Habitat Association of Age-0 Yellow Perch in Two South Dakota Glacial Lakes, Daniel J. Dembkowski, Melissa R. Wuellner, and David W. Willis
Massasauga Repatriation on a Restored Wet Prairie, Francis E. Durbian, Brian N. Lomas, Jeff Briggler, Paul McKenzie, and Tom Nagel