"Test 110: Case 25-45" by Nebraska Tractor Test Lab

Tractor Test and Power Museum, The Lester F. Larsen


Nebraska Tractor Tests

Date of this Version

January 1924


All tractors tested at the Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory were certified by their manufacturers as being stock model machines, conforming to specifications filed with the application for test. No special or high-test fuels were used except as recommended by the manufacturer as necessary.

All results within the official tractor test report were actually attained in tests and are without correction or allowances for friction, temperature, altitude, etc. The results were initially accomplished with the tractor in charge of skilled operators employed by the University.

Unless otherwise noted, each tractor was apparently in good condition at the end of the testing and there was no evidence of undue wear or of any weakness that might require early repairs. Throughout the entire test, an accurate record was kept of all repairs and adjustments necessary on the tractor and the same has been incorporated in this official report.

Advertising literature, blueprints, and manuals were submitted with the tractor test application by the tractor manufacturer. This literature was reviewed for any claims that seemed unreasonable or excessive on points not comparable with the results of the test. These particular claims were quoted on this official test report and steps were taken by the firms to correct such statements in the new literature.

This official tractor test report was issued soon after testing was completed and became available to the public at a cost of 5 cents per report from the Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture, Lincoln, Nebraska.

This report and any related files are made available to the public through the Lester F. Larsen Tractor Test and Power Museum as resources allow. Established in 1998, this museum is located on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus. It is and appropriately housed within the walls of the historic 1920 Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory, where the first tractor test was started on March 31st, 1920.

Because the pioneer tests became worldwide standards, this location was designated as a Historic Landmark of Agricultural Engineering by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers in 1980, shortly after testing was moved to a new nearby facility on the University of Nebraka-Lincoln East Campus.

The Tractor Test Museum and the Tractor Test Laboratory are open to the public. Group tours may be arranged through the museum by calling 402-472-8389 or visiting http://tractormuseum.unl.edu.
