Textile Society of America



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Hidden Stories/Human Lives: Proceedings of the Textile Society of America 17th Biennial Symposium, October 15-17, 2020.



Copyright © 2020 Textile Society of America


The theme Hidden Stories/Human Lives presents opportunities to reveal complex and hidden stories of global textile making and coincides with the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Yet, just as the voices of women of color, marginalized by the suffrage movement, are only now being recognized, the stories of the many human lives that have contributed—directly and indirectly—to textile making, including enslaved people, immigrant entrepreneurs, and industrial laborers, remain untold. With this symposium, we hope to get “behind the curtain” to explore the wider human network engaged in textile production, bringing to light hidden stories and excluded voices of all kinds, genders, and colors. Hidden Stories/Human Lives is a flexible theme that can accommodate a range of presentations and artist talks, from focused papers on or by individual makers and/or objects to broader subjects that examine peoples, systems, and societies involved in global textile making. TSA sought proposals for individual papers/presentations, artist talks, organized panels, roundtable discussions, film/digital media, and “Warp Speed” talks from all textile-related disciplines and interdisciplinary areas, including but not limited to anthropology, archaeology, art history, conservation, craft, design, economics, ethnic studies, geography, history, linguistics, marketing, material culture studies, mathematics, political science, science, sociology, studio art, technology, theater, and others. We encouraged and desired original submissions from individuals from the widest variety of backgrounds and heritages. In addition, for 2020, we encouraged the submission of complete organized panels and/or roundtable discussions. For all submission categories, the peer review committee selected submissions that cogently and directly addressed the theme of the symposium and presented new research or work.
