Textile Society of America


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Textile Narratives & Conversions: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Symposium of the Textile Society of America, October 11–14, Toronto, Ontario


Copyright 2006 by the author.


Nataley Nagy and Frances Dorsey deserve our very special thanks for the organization of such a splendid symposium, which indeed exceeded our expectations and goals. Thanks are also due to the dedicated staff of the Textile Museum of Canada, of which Nataley is Director, and to the staff at Harbourfront Centre, and its Director, Melanie Egan. We also thank Debbie Adams of Adams + Associates Design Consultants, Inc., who served as artistic director for the Symposium; her designs, logo and artwork, have served us as well for the Proceedings.

Ann Svenson Perlman stepped in to take on the role of co-editor, and she has done an outstanding job in formatting, sizing, and placing images, and in sharing editorial responsibilities. For proof-reading and editorial suggestions, we also acknowledge the contributions of Pat Hickman, Vice President; Pam Parmal, Past President, Sumru Krody, chair, TSA Publications Committee; Janice Lessman-Moss, External Relations Director; Lisa Kriner, Internal Relations Director; Karen Searle, Newsletter Editor; Kim Righi, Executive Director. For general guidance, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of the Textile Society of America have offered a constant source of much appreciated support.

Final thanks, which are really first and foremost, are to our speakers and presenters, now authors, without whose enthusiasm, dedication, commitment, spirit of inquiry and integrity, we could not have the published papers to stimulate our thoughts for the future.
