"Textile Society of America Newsletter 16:1 — Winter 2004" by

Textile Society of America


Date of this Version

Winter 2004


Published by Textile Society of America, P.O. Box 70, Earleville, MD 21919-0070. Website = http://www.textilesociety.org/


Oakland Hosts 2004 TSA Symposium
President's Letter
Nominations sought for TSA Officers & Board
Textile Study at the University of Rhode Island
Conference Reviews: Japonnea; New Technologies and Materials; Sri Yantra Bandahni Development Project; Navajo Weaving in the 19th Century; SUTRA; Tales in the Textile: Conservation of Flags and Other Symbolic Textiles; Caring for Flags
Textile Network: WARP Promotes Development through Textiles
Collection News: British Museum, Indianapolis Museum of Art; Lost Exhibition: Palestine Costume Archive
Batik info sought
Exhibitions & Lectures
Book reviews
