Sometimes research conducted under the UCARE umbrella involves areas still under development or investigation, and the premature widespread release of such results might compromise the prerogatives of the faculty and researcher to publish or patent or otherwise capitalize on that research. In those cases, the UCARE products are held here, under embargo, which means that they are not released to the public until the published academic record is established.

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Biomimetic Modeling of Preeclamptic Conditions, Noha Algahimi

Application and Validation of Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy Method to Characterize Moraxella sp. Isolated from Cattle., Shalyn Miller and John Dustin Loy



The Role of Rice Leaf Surface Properties in the Appressorium Formation of Magnaporthe oryzae, Nicholas A. Bohlim, Sangjin Ryu, and Donghee Lee