"University of Nebraska- Lincoln: Fact Book 2013-2014"

University of Nebraska Administration



Date of this Version


Document Type



Board of Regents, University of Nebraska


Fact Book Table of Contents

Cover Photo Captions................................................. 1

Introduction................................................................................................. 2

Table of Contents................................................... 3

General Information

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Core Values (LEADERS)................................... 6

The Role of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln .............................................. 7

The Missions of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln ......................................... 7

Teaching..................................................................................... 8

Research............................................................................ 9

Service................................................................................................... 9

Institutional and Professional Accreditations ................................................. 10

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Administrative Organization Chart ................. 13

Student Credit Hours (SCH)

Total SCH: Fall Semester Since 1979 ............................................................ 14

Total SCH: Spring Semester Since 1993 ....................................................... 15

SCH by College and Course Level, Fall and Spring Semester, 5 Year Trend ..... 16

SCH by College and Course Level, Fall Semester, 5 Year Trend ..................... 17

SCH by College and Course Level, Spring Semester, 5 Year Trend .................. 18

Summer Sessions SCH ............................................................................ 19

Total SCH, Summer Sessions, 5 Year Trend.................................................. 20


Total Degrees by Type Conferred by UNL Fiscal Year, 10 Year Trend .............. 21

Type and Number of Degrees Conferred by College, Fiscal Year ................... 22

Degrees Conferred by Term and Fiscal Year, 5 Year Trend ........................... 23

Types of Degrees Currently Offered at UNL ................................................ 24

Graduation and Retention

Student Retention Rates: Retention Tracking of First-time, Full-time Freshmen.. 25

Student Graduation Rates: Graduation of First-time, Full-time, Degree-seeking Freshmen..... 26
