Seen and Heard in Mexico, Elena Jackson Albarrán
Regeneration through Empire, Margaret Cook Andersen
Borderland Films, Dominique Brégent-Heald
The Civil War and Reconstruction in Indian Territory, Bradley R. Clampitt
New Voices for Old Words, David J. Costa
A Law Unto Herself, Rebecca Harding Davis
Shenandoah, Sue Eisenfeld
The European Union, Antisemitism, and the Politics of Denial, R. Amy Elman
A Far Corner, Scott Ezell
Remembering French Algeria, Amy L. Hubbell
Gil Hodges, Mort Zachter
The Soccer Diaries, Michael J. Agovino
Railroad Radicals in Cold War Mexico, Robert F. Alegre
Ethos and Narrative Interpretation, Liesbeth Korthals Altes
The Great Eight, Mark Armour
Vietnam and the Colonial Condition of French Literature, Leslie Barnes
Gifts from the Thunder Beings, Roland Bohr
Sustainable Compromises, Alan Boye
Sustainable Compromises, Alan Boye
Darkened Rooms of Summer, Jared Carter
Winning in Both Leagues, J. Frank Cashen
Freshwater Passages, David Chapin Chapin
Called Out but Safe, Al Clark and Dan Schlossberg
Fu-go, Ross Coen
Anthropologists and Their Traditions across National Borders, Regna Darnell and Frederic W. Gleach
Music Along the Rapidan, James A. Davis
Music Along the Rapidan, James A. Davis
The Horse Lover, H. Alan Day
Range Wars, Ryan H. Edgington
Young Widower, John W. Evans
Arnie, Seve, and a Fleck of Golf History, Bill Fields
Arnie, Seve, and a Fleck of Golf History, Bill Fields
Black Print with a White Carnation, Amy Helene Forss
Hemingway on a Bike, Eric Freeze
Now We Will Be Happy, Amina Gautier
Fort Marion Prisoners and the Trauma of Native Education, Diane Glancy
Colonial Mediascapes, Jeffrey Glover and Matt Cohen
A Grizzly in the Mail and Other Adventures in American History, Tim Grove
Before the West Was West, Amy T. Hamilton and Tom J. Hillard
Bold They Rise, David Hitt and Heather R. Smith
Rozelle, Jerry Izenberg
In Reach, Pamela Carter Joern
Seasons of the Tallgrass Prairie, Paul A. Johnsgard
Jackie and Campy, William C. Kashatus
Prairie Forge, James J. Kimble
Growing Local, Robert P. King, Michael S. Hand, and Miguel I. Gómez
The Wheeling Year, Ted Kooser
You Will Never See Any God, Ervin D. Krause
Sunflower Justice, R. Alton Lee
Two Hawk Dreams, Lawrence L. Loendorf and Nancy Medaris Stone
Deep Map Country, Susan Naramore Maher
A Lenape among the Quakers, Dawn G. Marsh
A Lenape among the Quakers, Dawn G. Marsh
The Civilizing Machine, Michael Matthews
Mover and Shaker, Andy McCue
Billy "the Hill" and the Jump Hook, Billy McGill and Eric Brach
The Game before the Money, Jackson Michael
Scars of Partition, William F. S. Miles
That Dream Shall Have a Name, David L. Moore
Film and Everyday Eco-disasters, Robin L. Murray and Joseph K. Heumann
Indian Play, Lisa K. Neuman
Fluent Selves, Suzanne Oakdale and Magnus Course
The Awakening Coast, Karl Offen and Terry Rugeley
Black Mayors, White Majorities, Ravi K. Perry
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
Bring In the Right-Hander!, Jerry Reuss
Storyworlds across Media, Marie-Laure Ryan and Jan-Noël Thon
The Pedagogical Imagination, Leon Sachs
Dawnland Voices, Siobhan Senier
The Pat Boone Fan Club, Sue William Silverman
Native Diasporas, Gregory D. Smithers and Brooke N. Newman
When Baseball Went White, Ryan A. Swanson
Pitching to the Pennant, Joseph Wancho
Peace Be Still, Matthew C. Whitaker
Author Under Sail, Jay Williams
Uses of Plants by the Hidatsas of the Northern Plains, Gilbert Livingston Wilson
Reading Unruly, Zahi Zalloua
Domesticated Wild Things, and Other Stories, Xhenet Aliu
The Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890, Rani-Henrik Andersson
Baseball's Last Great Scout, Dan Austin
Stories and Minds, Lars Bernaerts, Dirk De Geest, Luc Herman, and Bart Vervaeck
Making the American Body, Jonathan Black
Body Geographic, Barrie Jean Borich
Herta Müller, Bettina Brandt and Valentina Glajar
Cultural Negotiations, David L. Browman
Against Autobiography, Lia Nicole Brozgal
George Norris, Going Home, Gene A. Budig and Don Walton
Proof of Guilt, Kathleen A. Cairns
Post-Westerns, Neil Campbell
Family Trouble, Joy Castro
The Song of the Lark, Willa Cather
Incident at the Otterville Station, John Christgau
Michael and the Whiz Kids, John Christgau
Surrealist Ghostliness, Katharine Conley
Upton Sinclair, Lauren Coodley
Traveling the Power Line, Julianne Couch
Coming Full Circle, Suzanne Crawford O’Brien
Katie Gale, LLyn De Danaan
From Fort Marion to Fort Sill, Alicia Delgadillo and Miriam A. Perrett
Mr. Wrigley's Ball Club, Roberts Ehrgott