U.S. Department of Defense
Date of this Version
Prepared by: Devils Lake Basin Joint Water Resource Board and the North Dakota State Water Commission
It was determined by the Devils Lake Basin Joint Water Resource Board (Joint Board) in early 2002, that a need existed to update the 1995 plan, and to re-evaluate its objectives based on more current and enhanced data. That report supercedes the 1995 Devils Lake Basin Water Management Plan (Water Plan) that was a product of the Devils Lake Basin Conceptual Water Management Plan. When the 2002 plan was completed, it was decided by the Joint Board to update the plan at least every three years. There are three main objectives of the 2006 update of the Water Plan; the first is to utilize local citizenry for their experience and expertise, while still employing the expertise of various state, federal, and private agencies in a nonvoting, technical support role; the second is to update and adjust the Water Plan, to more accurately reflect current conditions and needs; and the last is to provide a means of measuring the accomplishments of various entities regarding stated water management goals over time. The key to water management within the Devils Lake Basin (Basin), is planning at the watershed level, which works at restoring the viability of agriculture, ensuring flood protection for the City of Devils Lake, as well as addressing upper basin flooding, and lastly looking into recreational development for economic diversity.
U.S. government work.