U.S. Department of Defense


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Published in Hydraulic Engineering: Saving a Threatened Resource—In Search of Solutions: Proceedings of the Hydraulic Engineering sessions at Water Forum ’92. Baltimore, Maryland, August 2–6, 1992. Published by American Society of Civil Engineers.


The North Boundary treatment system at Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA), Commerce City, Colorado, involves pumping of contaminated groundwater from an unconfined aquifer from one side of a soil-bentonite (SB) slurry wall to three pulsed-bed activated carbon adsorbers and prefilter and postfilter systems. The treated water is injected into the unconfined aquifer on the other side of the slurry wall via 38 recharge wells and 15 recharge trenches, collectively referred to as the recharge system. Recharge capacity of the recharge system has declined over time, limiting the operating capacity of the system. Two probable causes for reduction of the recharge systems is assessed.
