U.S. Department of Defense
Date of this Version
Document Type
As the Forward says, “This pamphlet was prepared as an aid to the students of the Adjutant General’s School in solving their problems in military and non-military correspondence. It is not a text but is more in the nature of a checklist…”
This pamphlet gives detailed instructions for preparing and handling all sorts of correspondence including telegrams, radiograms, and cablegrams with numerous examples It contains lists of do’s and don’t’s for military correspondence and guidelines for writing well.
Adjutant General’s Department was the administrative branch of the Army. It was responsible for assuring that Army paperwork was standardized and that files were kept in order. Much of the standardization was necessary to assure uniform filing.
Hopefully, this pamphlet will helpful to users of military files who are not familiar with the formats, abbreviations, and peculiarities of World War II military correspondence.
The contents of “The Adjutant’s Kit”—listing the contents of a portable “office” available from the Adjutant General’s School—is inside the back cover. The kit consisted of forms, regulations, and writing supplies.
The back cover lists publications and supplies available from the Adjutant General’s School, Book Service.
The copy digitized was loaned by the McKeldin Library, University of Maryland.
The last page of this digital document shows an example of an IBM book card used with an IBM punched-card library circulation system. Such circulation systems were widely used in large academic libraries in the 1960s and ‘70s.