U.S. Department of the Interior



Date of this Version



Appraisal Report, 2005


U.S. Government work


The objectives of this Appraisal Study (Study) of the Lower Republican River Basin (Basin) are to review existing data and information, qualitatively identify some system improvement needs of the area, identify possible constraints and opportunities to make more efficient use of the water that is available, and identify potential solutions to determine the advisability of proceeding to a feasibility study.

This Study meets the States (Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska) responsibilities of the 1942 Republican River Compact (Compact) “… to provide for the most efficient use of the water of the Republican River Basin for multiple purposes…” This Study and future study efforts indicate a willingness to continue to work with the States to achieve the efficient use of the waters in the Basin.

This Study is based on available data and information with no additional field investigations.

The appraisal study area lies in the Basin below Harlan County Dam in southcentral Nebraska to Clay Center, Kansas, just upstream of Milford Lake in northcentral Kansas (Figure 1). Included in this area is the Bostwick Division of the Pick-Sloan Missouri River Program (P-SMBP), a Reclamation project.

There are two irrigation districts that operate and maintain the irrigation system: the Bostwick Irrigation District in Nebraska and the Kansas Bostwick Irrigation District No. 2 (KBID). Project water is supplied to 22,935 acres in Nebraska and 42,500 acres in Kansas from the Corp of Engineer’s (Corps) Harlan County Lake and Bureau of Reclamation’s (Reclamation) Lovewell Reservoir.
