U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska
Document Type
Date of this Version
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: 28(2); 160–172 doi:10.1017/S1742170512000105
Stocker performance and production from mixed cool- and warm-season perennial pastures are important determinants of agricultural sustainability that can be influenced by management. We evaluated the factorial combination of three sources of nutrient application (inorganic only, organic+inorganic combination, and organic only) and two forage utilization regimes [low grazing pressure (LGP) and high grazing pressure (HGP)] on steer stocking density and rate, performance and production during 7 years of pasture management {tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.] overseeded into existing Coastal bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] sod} on a Typic Kanhapludult in Georgia, USA. Nutrient source had few major impacts on responses, except for lower animal performance with organic fertilization (broiler litter) than with organic+inorganic and inorganic only fertilization, especially with LGP. Seasonal changes in stocking weight and rate occurred, not only as expected due to environmental conditions and dominant forage species present, but that also counteracted expected differences imposed by grazing pressure; signaling negative feedback of HGP on forage productivity. Steer performance was greatest in spring and summer under both grazing pressures, but was significantly reduced with increasing grazing pressure in the autumn and winter due to low forage availability.Across years, steer gainha−1 (863kgha−1) was not different between grazing pressures, but gainha−1 declined with time under HGP and was stable with time under LGP. Reducing grazing pressure to a moderate level can lead to equivalent steer production as HGP, and would likely contribute to a more sustainable balance among production, socio-economic and environmental goals. These multi-year results will help cattle producers in warm, moist climates design and implement more sustainable grazing systems.
U.S. Government Work