U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


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Published in Pest Manag Sci (2008) 64:589. DOI: 10.1002/ps.1590


A symposium in honor of Dr Gerry Brooks winning the International Award for Research in Agrochemicals was organized by me, D Gammon, with help from RD Wauchope. The award is the highest given by the AGRO Division (formerly Agrochemicals Division) of the ACS. The symposium lasted a full day and consisted of an introduction, a lecture by Gerry and nine subsequent lectures. The high caliber of the recipient can be judged by the fact that five of the nine speakers were previous winners of the award (B Hammock, J Clark, R Krieger, H Ohkawa and E Hodgson) and another is to be the 2008 winner (D Soderland).
