U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Document Type


Date of this Version



United States Environmental Protection Agency. Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory. EPA-600/3-79-066. June 1979


Open access.


Protection of the environment requires effective regulatory actions which are based on ssound technical and scientific information. This information must include the quantitative description and linking of pollutant sources, transport mechanisms, interactions, and resulting effects on man and his environment. Because of the complexities involved, assessment of specific pollutants in the environment requires a total systems approach which transcends the media of air, water, and land. The Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory-Las Vegas contributes to the formation and enhancement of a sound monitoring data base for exposure assessment through programs designed to:

  • develop and optimize systems and strategies for monitoring pollutants and their impact on the environment
  • demonstrate new monitoring systems and technologies by applying them to fulfill special monitoring needs of the Agency's operating programs

This report presents the species and abundance of phytoplankton in the 9 lakes sampled by the National Eutrophication Survey in the State of Nebraska, along with results from the calculation of several commonly used biological indices of water quality and community structure. These data can be used to biologically characterize the study lakes, and as baseline data for future investigations. This report was written for use by Federal, State, and local governmental agencies concerned with water quality analysis, monitoring, and or regulation. Private industry and individuals similarly involved with the biological aspects of water quality will find the document useful. For further information contact the Water and Land Quality Branch, Monitoring Operations Division.
