US Geological Survey


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Walker Lake Basin Data

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Walker Lake Core 84-8 isotope and age data.xls 27.01.2018 15:25:52 0.03 xls

Walker Lake core WL002 PSV age and chemical data.xlsx 09.02.2018 20:04:50 0.03 xlsx

In the Walker Lake Basin folder:

Depth, 14C age (not corrected for reservoir effect), 18O, 13C data for core 84-8 are reported in:

Benson, L. V., 1988, Preliminary paleolimnologic data for the Walker Lake subbasin, California and Nevada: United States Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4258, 50 p. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 240: 497-507.

Depth, PSV age, TIC , 18O, 13C data for core WL002 are reported in:

Fasong Yuan, Braddock K. Linsley, Stephen S. Howe, Steve P. Lund, and John P. McGeehin. 2006. Late Holocene lake-level fluctuations in Walker Lake, Nevada, USA.

PSV data are the unpublished work of Steve Lund at USC. The data in this table have been incorporated in a paper by Lund and Benson.
