U.S. Department of Justice
Date of this Version
Federal Bureau of Investigation Freedom of Information/Privacy Act (1953).
A report dated August 17, 1953 was received on August 20, 1953 from Confidential Informant of known reliability. Reports state that Groucho Marx contributes heavily to the Communist Party. Informant said not to get impatient as the CP in Orange County is not well organized now. He said the CP was going to reorganize in Orange County in the near future. At that time every member will be evaluated and individual jobs will be reassigned.
Subject is radio and TV comedian currently starring in TV show "You Bet Your Life" sponsored by Desoto-Plymouth Dealers over NBC. Informant recently remarked to confidential informant that GRAUCHO MARX contributes heavily to CP; however, original source gave no basis for this allegation. Los Angeles informants familiar with CP activity in Hollywood motion picture and radio industry throughout 1940's state Marx was never affiliated with CP and never a contributor so far as informants are aware. In 1934, The Daily Worker quoted Marx as saying "The battle of the Communists for the lives of theses bots is one that will be taught in Soviet America as the most inspiring and courageous battle every fought." Subject reported to be affiliated or otherwise interested in varying degrees of Communist front or influenced organizations, including League of American Writers, American Council of Soviet Friendship, Hollywood Democratic Committee, Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, and others. Marx was indicted and convicted for violation of Copyright law in 1937.