Uniformed Services University has a worldwide reputation as a center of excellence for military and public health professions education and research. Its programs are unique, related directly to force health protection, tropical diseases, disaster medicine, military and public health medical readiness and adaptation to extreme environments. USU prepares outstanding scientists and health care practitioners for careers in service to the nation.




A BALB/c Congenic Strain of Mice That Carries a Genetic Locus (Ityr) Controlling Resistance to Intracellular Parasites, Michael Potter, Alison D. O'Brien, Emil Skamene, Philippe Gros, Adrien Forget, Patricia A. L. Kongshavn, and Judith S. Wax



Production of Shigella dysenteriae Type 1-Like Cytotoxin by Escherichia coli, Alison D. O'Brien, Gerald D. LaVeck, Michael R. Thompson, and Samuel B. Formal