Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection


Date of this Version

March 1986

Document Type



During the period from 1980 to 1985 the laboratory of toxicological analysis associated with the National Veterinary Antipoison Center received 1,343 samples for research of anticoagulant rodenticide (e.g., 14.1% of total samples): 79% concerned animals, 31% baits. Six compounds marketed in France were investigated (warfarin, chlorophacinone, bromadiolone, difenacoum, coumachlore, coumatetralyl). In two-thirds of the samples, none of these substances could be found. Warfarin was by far the most incriminated rodenticide (23.1%), and dogs represented the most affected species (65.7%). However, its occurrence decreases regularly. The other compounds were found with a very low frequency (1 to 3%). In 70% of the cases, baits were prepared with criminal intention of killing animals other than rodents.
