Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection


Date of this Version

March 1990

Document Type



This concludes the 14th Vertebrate Pest Conference. Before my closing remarks, let us acknowledge the excellent job done by our session chairpersons and speakers.

For your information, we had 345 people registered at the conference, representing 37 states and 11 other countries.

I first attended the Vertebrate Pest Conference some 14 years ago at the 7th Conference. At that time I was impressed with the breadth of subjects presented, the international scope, the professional exchange of information, and the opportunity to meet noted experts in vertebrate pest control. Since that meeting, I have always looked forward to the next conference and have never been disappointed with its educational value. The 14th Conference has maintained this commitment to excellence as we heard about development of new techniques and materials, improvements in application of old methods, and the latest updates on management and environmental issues and regulatory actions. I am especially encouraged by the participation in the conference by new, young scientists in addition to the continued participation by recognized experts, leaders, and even legends in the field of vertebrate pest control. As we enter the 1990s, I foresee exciting and challenging times ahead for those of us involved in this field.
