Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection


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Proceedings 18th Vertebrate Pest Conference, ed. R.O. Baker & A.C. Crabb. Published at University of California, Davis, 1998.


Copyright 1998 by the authors


As Chair-Elect of the Council, I would like to thank all of those who participated in this 18th Vertebrate Pest Conference here at the Double Tree Hotel, Costa Mesa, California. Thanks to A. Charles Crabb, University of California, for handling all arrangements for this event.

We had a total attendance of 409 from 31 states in the U.S., including attendees from 6 countries outside the U.S. This is the largest attended conference in the last four held, although attendance from foreign countries was down.

Special thanks go to Chair, Rex O. Baker, Cal Poly State University at Pomona, who kept us headed in the right direction and to our Program Co-Chairpersons, W. Paul Gorenzel and Desley A. Whisson, University of California, who did an outstanding job of providing a program with a variety of information. I have attended the conferences since 1976 and there have been tremendous changes since then. We continue to have higher quality papers and diversity with a better mix of theory and application.
