Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection
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Proceedings, 29th Vertebrate Pest Conference (D. M. Woods, Ed.) Paper No. 57. Published December 10, 2020. 4 pp.
Since the Pocatello Supply Depot (PSD) was created in 1936, the PSD has gone through many transformation and organizational changes. The most recent of these changes occurred in 2014, when the PSD transitioned from a cooperative service agreement between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Greater Pocatello Chamber of Commerce, to a fully federal facility within USDA. Despite the many organizational changes, the purpose of the PSD has remained the same. The PSD manufactures and provides specialized wildlife damage management materials and services that are not readily available from commercial sources, for use by USDA Wildlife Services (WS), other Federal and non-Federal government entities, and the public. The products produced and distributed by the PSD have changed over time to meet the needs of those managing wildlife damage. The PSD produces and/or distributes gas cartridges, zinc phosphide and strychnine grain baits, zinc phosphide concentrate, DRC-1339, synthetic fatty acid lures, Neutroleum Alpha deodorizer, M-44 capsules and components, sylvatic plague vaccine baits, and warning signs. Besides products that are distributed directly from the PSD, the PSD processes orders for other Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) products such as brodifacoum conservation rodenticide baits; diphacinone conservation rodenticide bait; acetaminophen tablets and acetaminophen mouse baits for brown treesnake control; GonaCon immunocontraceptive vaccines for deer and horses; and livestock protection collars. The PSD works closely with WS operations, the WS National Wildlife Research Center, and APHIS Environmental and Risk Analysis Service to maintain its products’ pesticide registrations with the Environmental Protection Agency and state pesticide regulatory agencies.
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Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Other Animal Sciences Commons, Other Environmental Sciences Commons
U.S. government work