Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection


Date of this Version

March 1967

Document Type



Toxicants have been widely used for several decades to reduce numbers of problem animals. The utility of these substances, however, has been limited by hazards to other animals and man, inadequate effectiveness against the target species, and restrictions on use. The ecological complexity of most habitats in which animal control is undertaken requires utilization of new poisons that are less hazardous, more effective, and more specific. Gophacide1, Bayer 38819, 0_, 0-bis(p-chlorophenyl) acetimidoylphosphoramidothioate, is generally favorable in these respects. Tests with Gophacide were initiated at the Denver Wildlife Research Center in late 1961; and more recently, this chemical has also been tested at several field stations under different conditions. The initial and major emphasis has been to determine its usefulness in pocket gopher control. Techniques of use have been described (Ward et al., 1967).

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Technical Gophacide is a white crystalline powder which is soluble in chlorinated hydrocarbons, acetone, or warmed corn oil, and melts at 104-106 F. It is an organophosphate, and like related compounds, inhibits the cholinesterase activity of the blood. We don't know yet what the animal metabolites or oxidates of Gophacide are or the activity of such materials. The anticholinesterases, in general, are not accumulated for long periods in fatty tissues, and the hazard to wildlife is considered to be less from chronic than from acute poisoning (Casida, 1964).
