Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection
Date of this Version
March 1980
Document Type
At the 1978 Vertebrate Pest Conference, Glenn Hood talked of vertebrate control chemicals, their registration status at that time, the rebuttable presumptions against registration and effects on users. He presented an overview of reregistration, classification, labeling, application certification, experimental use permits, emergency use and state registrations. Essentially, what he stated is as true today as when he addressed this conference. I'll try not to duplicate his fine presentation but rather give you an update about those long awaited for and somewhat controversial Guidelines for registering pesticides in the United States, the current status of strychnine and 1080 in the RPAR process, review briefly the latest congressional amendments to the Federal Fungicide, Insecticide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) under which EPA conducts its pesticide programs and, finally, give you a listing of the current federally registered pesticides for use in vertebrate pest control.