Water Center



Date of this Version

Spring 2008

Document Type



Published by Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


UNL/OSU Researchers Try Promising Technique to Remove Groundwater Contamination
Water and Natural Resources Tour in June
From the Director: USGS Climate Change Research, a Critical Partnership in the Making
Meet the Faculty: Gary L. Zoubek, Paul C. Hay
Herpel Joins Water Center Staff as Outreach Specialist
Scholarship Honors Water Center's First Permanent Director
Storing a Safe Emergency Drinking Water Supply
A Long-Term Perspective on Drought
History in the Great Plains
Water Center History Books Available
Earthworms Contain Chemicals from Households and Animal Manure
UNL Researchers Determine Costs of Producing Switchgrass for Ethanol
Water Quality Challenges in the Great Plains
Water News Briefs
Looking for Traces of Pharmaceuticals in Drinking Water
State Senators Override Fluoridation Veto
Can You Identify the Photos?
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