Water Center



Date of this Version

Fall 2008

Document Type



Published by Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


2009 Tour looks at San Francisco Bay-Delta Area
Meet the Faculty: Haishun Yang, Charles A. Shapiro
When Water Meets Money Topic of Conference
From the Director: Biofuels, Trends in Impacts on Water Demand, Supply and Quality
Nebraska Water Map Illustrates State Water Issues
Fourteen Lectures in UNL’s Spring Semester Water Series
How Human Pharmaceuticals Threaten Water Quality: A Primer on Emerging Contaminants, Part Two
Decommissioning Out-Of-Service Water Wells to Protect Water Quality
IANR/Extension Adopts “Water” Theme for 2008 Husker Harvest Days Show at Grand Island
2008 Water Colloquium, Oct. 16, 2008, UNL Hardin Hall, Lincoln
Water Resources Advisory Panel Updates Priorities
An Update on Nebraska’s CLEAR Lake Restoration Program
Our Opinion: The Grand Island Independent: UNL Makes Major Commitment to Water Research
Send Us Your Water-Centric Pictures
China: Olympic-Sized Growth in Carbon Emissions
Strategy to Assess Nation’s Groundwater Availability
Bleed Receives Kremer Award
Tracking Contaminants With Stable Isotopes
