Water Center



Date of this Version

Winter 2009

Document Type



Published by Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


When Water Meets Money Topic of Sixth Annual Conference, April 29, 30
Meet the Faculty: Chad E. Brassil, Ph.D., Zhenghong Tan, Ph.D.
Database Connects Public to University of Nebraska Research
From the Director: Where Were You on the First Earth Day?
Arctic Lakes May Hold Clues to Understanding Climate Change
June Tour Examines California's Bay-Delta
Fall Symposium: Platte River Basin Science and Resource Management October 14 and 15 in Kearney
UNL Faculty Provide Updates to the Water Resources Advisory Panel
Through the Looking Glass: Multifaceted Fate of EmergingContaminants in Nebraska Waterways
Water Seminar Lectures Continue Through April
Get Your Water Map
One Lot at a Time
Reduce Costs of Irrigation Pumping Plants by Improving Efficiency
Man-Made Chemicals Found in Drinking Water at Low Levels
News Briefs
New Coop Assistant Unit Leader
2008 Ends with Improvement
Final Rulemaking on CAFOs
Malathion Contributes to Amphibian Decline
Video to Manage Stormwater Runoff
Response to Riparian Invasion
Dvorak Will Lead Nebraska AWWA
EPA Green Power
Readers submit Water-Centric photos
What’s New at the Laboratory
