Water Center



Date of this Version

Spring 2011

Document Type



Published by the Nebraska Water Resources Research Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Water Tour Visits North Central Nebraska July 12-14

Fall Events Focus on Nebraska Water Law, Great Plains Climate and Ecosystems

From the Director: May Water for Food Conference; Water Tour; Symposium and Water Law Conference All Coming Up

Meet the Faculty: Joseph J. Fontaine, Tapan Pathak

Statewide Groundwater Monitoring Paints Mixed Picture

Groundwater Foundation Conference "Let's Keep it Clean: Exploring a Collaborative Approach to Groundwater Protection"

Tenth Annual Sand Hills Discovery Conference in Ainsworth

WRAP Meets at Water for Food Conference in May

The 100-Gallon Challenge

Aurora Students Get Intense Day of UNL Water Lessons and Tours

Power II: Mobilizing the Citizen Scientist

South Platte NRD Expanding Groundwater Monitoring Network

Growing Crops with Less Water; West Central REC Assembles Team to Address Factors

EPA Opens Public Comment on Proposed Aquatic Ecosystems Standards

EPA proposes third UCMR

UNL Water Center Addresses Quality, Quantity, Sustainability Issues
