Water Center



Date of this Version

June 2005

Document Type



• Water Initiative Helps Attract Six New Faculty Members by Steve Ress

• June Tour Encompasses Diversity of Mining, Logging, Water Use and Natural Resources Management by Steve Ress

• From the Director

• Meet the Faculty

• Montana Water Center, Montana State University, Bozeman

• Use Available Water Efficiently With Furrow Irrigation By Sandi Alswager-Karstens

• 2005 Water & Natural Resources Tour: A Year of Experience with Nebraska’s New Water Use Regulations and Mining & Timber Production in the Pine Ridge

• Rainmakers: A Photographic Story of Center Pivots

• What Agricultural Chemicals Are In the Maple Creek Watershed?

• Emergency Water Purification Methods

• Water News Briefs

• Smart Watering Techniques Conserve Water In The Yard
