Water Center


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[Water Center] Research Briefs, Vol. 3, No. 1, April 1995


Sprinkler irrigation has the potential not only to cheaply and effectively remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from contaminated ground water but also use the water beneficially and eliminate the costly disposal of both the remediated water and the contaminants. Removal of VOCs from water involves volatilization, which releases the VOCs from the liquid phase to the gaseous phase.

A conventionally designed sprinkler irrigation system was tested near Hastings, Nebraska, to assess its efficacy for removing VOCs in pumped ground water. VOCs in the ground water include 7,1,2-trichloroethylene( TCE), ethylene dibromide (EDB), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA), and carbon tetrachloride (CT). Factors possibly influencing volatilization include nozzle size, system pressure, impact pad design, flow rate, and temperature.
