Water Center


Date of this Version


Document Type




Foreword 4

The Nebraska Water Center: Leadership in Research, Education and Communication 6

Director’s Letter 8

For More Than 50 years: The Nebraska Water Center 10

Helping Build the Future 11

Nebraska Water Center Advisory Board 14

Water Resources Advisory Panel: A key to success 15

Information for Our Clients and the Public 16

Primary Goals 18

USGS 104b Projects 20

Dvorak, Ray Aim at Improving Water Quality for Small Communities 20

October Retreat at UNK 24

Public Water Lectures 25

2015 Special Seminars 26

2015 Water Symposium and Water Law Conference 28

Water Tour Visits Republican River Basin in Nebraska and Colorado 30

Tour Explores Republican River Basin 32

Equipment and Expertise for Research and Teaching 36

Twenty-Five Years of Being on the Cutting Edge of University of Nebraska Research 38

Summer Expedition to Kazakhstan 40

Website Captures Stories from Nebraska NRDs Early Leaders 42

Water for Food Institute Policy and Technical Report Series 43

Learning How Water, Energy and Food are Interconnected in Nebraska 43

Nebraska Water Center - Faculty and Staff 44

Nebraska Water Center Financials .
